1TB Preloaded Steam Deck Batocera Build, Plug and Play Download

1TB Preloaded Steam Deck Batocera Build, Plug and Play Download

Regular price £50.00
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Latest Stable Version of Batocera.

Emulators Configured for optimal performance.

Preconfigured Setup of Batocera Includes All Themes / Video previews, and Wheel art.

Fully Compatible with ALL versions of the STEAMDECK Including OLED

Plug & Play.

Works with Any Controller and Light Guns

Systems / Games List:

21,000+ Games


Atomiswave - 17

Daphne / Laser Disc - 5

FB Neo - 1,829

MAME - 345

Sega Model 3 - 15

Naomi - 44

Naomi 2 - 12

Triforce - 1 (Mario Kart Arcade GP 2)


Amiga 1200 - 645

Amstrad CPC - 211

Apple IIGS - ~90

Atari 800 - 348

Atari ST - 305

BBC Micro - 22

Commodore 64 (C64) - 713

Commodore Vic-20 - 175

MS DOS - 83

MSX - 635

MSX2 - 100

MSX2+ - 30

ScummVM - 47

Windows Games - 18

Sharp X1 - 48

Sharp X68000 - 100

ZX Spektrum - 182


3DO - 12

Adventure Vision - 4

Amiga CD32 - 105

Arcadia - 48

Astrocade - 42

Atari 2600 - 617

Atari 5200 - 96

Atari 7800 - 58

Philips CD-i - 12

Channel F - 30

Colecovision - 141

Creativision - 15

Dreamcast (Sega) - 187

FDS (Nintendo) - 128

    In Submenu (Famicom) - 386

Gamecube - 280 !

GX4000 (Amstrad) - 26

Intellivision - 136

Jaguar (Atari) - 56

LowRes NX - 102

Master System (Sega) - 334

Genesis (Sega) - 1,231 (784 + 137 + 34 + 44 + 191 + 41) 

    In submenu: Genesis - Sonic Hacks - 137

    In submenu: Genesis Streets of Rage Hacks - 34

    In submenu: Genesis - Misc. Hacks - 44

    In submenu: Megadrive-Japan - 191

    In submenu: English Megadrive Translations - 41

Megadrive-MSU - 11

Nintendo 64 (N64)  - 311

N64DD - 10

Neo Geo - 140

Nintendo (NES) – 1,479 (782 + 697)

    In submenu: NES Hacks - 697

Odyssey 2 - 85

NEC TurboGrafx-16 - 94

    In submenu: NEC PC-Engine - 290

NEC TurboGrafx-16 CD / PC Engine-CD - 22


Pico-8 - 131

PS2 (Sony) - 69 - Note: Many titles are in Gamecube system where on both platforms.

PS3 (Sony) - 105  (Note:  This includes PSN for PS3 titles.)

PS1 (Sony PlayStation) - 306

PV-1000 (Casio) - 13

Satellaview (Nintendo) - 34

Saturn (Sega) - 63

Super Cassette Vision - 29

Sega 32X - 34

Sega CD - 57

SG-1000 (Sega) - 68

Super Game Boy - 25

Super Nintendo (SNES) – 1,513 (795 + 64 + 509 + 145)

    In submenu: SNES Hacks - 64

    In submenu: Super Famicom - 509

    In submenu: SFC English Translations - 145

SNES-CD (MSU1) - 39

Sufami Turbo - 15

Super Grafx (NEC) - 5

Switch - 207

Tic-80 - 1,028

Uzebox - 61

Vectrex - 24

Virtual Boy - 25

V. Smile (VTech) - 12

WASM-4 - 88

Wii - 36  (Note: Games chosen that use Steam Deck controls typical - This includes WiiWare titles.)

Wii-U - 31

X-Box - 19

Pygame - 1

EasyRPG - 5

Future Pinball - 48

Lutro - 7

OpenBOR - 141

Ports - 50   (includes 17 Doom Mods - using GZDoom, PrBoom - (Doom Ultimate, Doom II, TNT & Plutonia), Doom 3, Diablo-Hellfire, Sonic 1, Sonic 2, Sonic CD, Sonic 3 A.I.R., Sonic Mania, Quake I & II, Half Life, Abuse, Cannonball, Cave Story, Duke Nuke 3D, Flashback, Hurrican, Hydra Castle Lab., Mr. Boom, Prince of Persia, Rick Dangerous, Super Mario War, Tyrian)

Solarus - 8


3DS (Nintendo) - 20

Arduboy - 233

Gamate - 58

Game & Watch - 52

game.com - 19

Game Gear (Sega) - 259

Game Pocket Computer - 5

Game Boy - 834

Gameboy Advance – 1085

    Includes GBA Hacks in submenu

Gameboy Color – 572

    Includes GBC (Pokemon) Hacks in submenu

Game Master - 18

Tiger LCD Games - 27

Lynx (Atari) - 83

Mega Duck - 25

Nintendo DS (NDS) - 172

Neo Geo Pocket - 9

Neo Geo Pocket Color - 40

Pokemon Mini - 22

PSP (Sony) - 434   (138 PSP + 296 PSP-Minis)

    In submenu: PSP Minis - 296

Supervision - 44

WonderSwan - 117

WonderSwan Color - 100

Custom Collections (described below):

      NES Classic Edition - 30 Games

      SNES Classic Edition - 21 Games

      Sega Genesis Mini - 42  Games

      Sega Genesis Mini - (Japan/Asia Exclusives)

      TurboGrafx-16 Mini

      PlayStation Classic Mini

      Commodore 64 (C64) mini - 64+ games

      Neo Geo Mini - 64

      Neo Geo Arcade Stick Pro - 20

      Capcom Home Arcade Console - 16

      NES Picks

      SNES Picks

      Sega Genesis Picks

      PlayStation Top Hits

      Arcade - Vertical Games

      Arcade (classic) Favorites

Other ARCADE Collections include:  Atari Classics;  Banpresto;  Capcom Play System I, II & III;  Capcom;  Cave;  Data East;  Konami;  Midway;  Namco;  Nintendo;  PGM;  Psikyo;  Sega;  ShMUps;  SNK;  Taito;  Toaplan;  Visco;  Williams.

Other Collections include:  Art of Fighting;  Bat Man;  BeatUmUps;  Castlevania;  Disney;  Donkey Kong;  Double Dragon;  Dragon Ball;  Fatal Fury;  Final Fight;  Ghouls n Ghosts;  Kirby;  Light Gun;  Mario;  Marvel;  MegaMan;  Metal Slug;  Metroid;  Mortal Kombat;  Old School;  OutRun;  Pac-Man;  Pokemon;  Racing;  Robocop;  ShMUps;  Sonic;  Sports;  Star Wars;  Street Fighter;  Streets of Rage;  Terminator;  Trackball;  TMNT;  Zelda.


1TB Sandisk SD Card

1TB Sandisk SD Card - Extreme


This build will run on ANY STEAMDECK

Including the OLED Version

This drive does not modify your Steam Deck or SteamOS, it runs in it's own self contained OS


- Power down your Steam Deck and plug in either your MicroSD card or USB-C drive

- Press and hold the volume down button while also clicking the power button once to turn your Steam Deck on and enter the boot menu

- Select the option that corresponds to your MicroSD or USB-C drive

- Give it a few seconds to boot and enjoy!


Batocera works with ANY Controller

Arcade Controls

USB Controllers


Ultimarc's iPac


Recommended Controllers

Xbox 360 Controllers

2 Player Arcade Button Kit


Fully Plug and Play with All major


Sinden, Aimtrak, Gun4IR, AE, and GunCon.

Recommended Light Guns

Sinden Light Guns

AimTrak Light Guns

Wii Light Guns

Retro Shooter Light Guns


Our setup is compatible with multiple clients:

FTP Clients: FileZilla (works with ANY FTP client)

File Sync Clients: Syncovery

File Compare Clients: Beyond Compare 4

Dont worry if you are not familiar with any of these, we will help you get up and running.


Batocera is EXT3, meaning it is a self contained operating system.

It does NOT require windows or any other operating system to run.

You BOOT into Batocera at StartUp.

What's Included?

1TB Batocera Build for STEAMDECK

Easy to Follow Install Instructions

Full Support (Remote Support also Available)

Batocera Updates

STEAMDECK or SD CARD NOT Included, this is a DOWNLOAD.